WordPress So Far

I've been using WordPress for a little less than a week and I really like it so far. Super easy to install and configure. Really nice looking dashboard with everything organized well. Adding plugins a breeze and changing themes simple. And the fact that there's a living breathing active community of developers and theme authors out there is really a breath of fresh air.

What Plugins I'm Running

Akismet – because who likes blog spam really?

wpuntexturize – because WordPress unhelpfully turns single and double quotes into some unicode nonsense. Stop that. This plugin stops that.

WPtouch Mobile Plugin – to make your site look relatively sane on mobile devices.

Limit Login Attempts – does what it says on the tin, helps to prevent brute force login attempts.

I also had the Movable Type importer installed for a bit but obviously that's a use once and delete kind of plugin.

What's Not Running WordPress

For aggregating online activity, I've yet to find anything as nice as MT's Action Streams plugin. So much so that it's still running in cron driving my stream page. So I can't quite say that I've completely replaced Movable Type yet.

What's Not To Like

There's something to be said for the speed of serving up static HTML. Out of the box WordPress dynamically serves up your pages each time a page is visited, so it's a little slower than the old Movable Type site. I suspect I'll get used to that in time.

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  1. Adam Bowie says:

    It's good to hear that you've made the jump. All the work surrounding moving over notwithstanding, I find everything so much faster.

    I might well have a look at that mobile plugin. To be honest, I'm still not happy with my overall design, and want to work at that too.

    • kevin says:

      Yeah I'm really happy with the move overall. And yeah, as you're well aware after your move, there is some measure of work to be done. But it's worth it in the end. The WP interface is certainly nicer than the old MT one.

  2. Neil Turner says:

    There are some 'lifestream' plugins which look like they do what you want at http://lifestreamblog.com/create/#wordpress – however, some of them look to be rather old and so may not work with the latest WordPress.

    • kevin says:

      Thanks mate. Yeah I looked at many of those and they all looked like they hadn't been updated in a while. So I think for the time being I'll be sticking with my MT cron job to build the lifestream.

  3. Alex Muller says:

    It's definitely worth checking out a caching plugin too. It's been a while since I looked but something like W3 Total Cache, I think it was called. It should speed up page loading hugely.

  4. martymankins says:

    I love that Mobile plugin. Looks really great on the iPhone (and an Android)