On Google

Last month I ranked Google fourth in my dropping tech giants list. My love/hate relationship boils down to: for all the cool tech they make, they're an advertising company first and foremost.

As a long time reader of Google News I've grown more frustrated with their AMP lock in of late. You click a link, but you're not taken to the actual website, you're still in the Google ecosystem. An open web that is not. So now I'm a Bing News user. The first time I've consciously chosen a Microsoft product in more years than I can remember.

Former Google employee Tim Bray wrote a blog post this morning that sums it all up rather well.

I'm still broad­ly in sym­pa­thy with Google's ef­forts on the In­ter­net, which have most­ly made it bet­ter. And they're so easy to un­der­stand: They want ev­ery­one to be on­line all the time to see ad­s, ide­al­ly on a Google prop­er­ty where they don't have to divvy the take.

Au­tonomous ve­hi­cles? On­line while driv­ing. Google Glass? On­line while walk­ing. Blogspot? Gmail? Map­s? YouTube? What­ev­er you're do­ing, do it here please.

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  1. martymankins says:

    I read about the AMP links not leaving Google. I think it's a shame they decided to make this change. I will have to give Bing News a try. I use their app on my phone for various searching.

  2. kapgar says:

    AMP is driving me crazy. I know you can get around those links to to have to think about it sucks. For the most part, I need the actual link because I'm trying to use it in a blog post or tweet or whatnot. I don't want to link to AMP versions.

    • kevin says:

      Yeah, you can get around it but it's a pain isn't it? Have you noticed that the AMP pages break 'scroll to top' in Safari on iOS as well? I guess because the lock in wasn't annoying enough by itself?