One Word Movie Review: Solo


Oh, ok, more than one word then. Spoiler free. If you ignore the "why did we even need this movie?" naysayers, what you'll find is an extremely fun caper movie. I was smiling throughout. Alden Ehrenreich did a fine job of portraying Han. He didn't do an impression of Harrison Ford playing the part which was a relief. Woody Harrelson also very very good I thought.

We're now in the age where we're going to get a Star Wars movie every year until we all die. And if they're as fun as this movie was, that's going to be a-ok with me. They don't all need to be save the galaxy from all the things type movies, they just need to make them enjoyable and have the punters leave the theater happy.

Which I totally did.

  1. jake says:

    Saw it yesterday, I loved it and my kids did too. People in my audience clapped at the end.

  2. kapgar says:

    I liked it too. Not great, but enjoyable. Enough so that I'd want to see it again.

    And thanks for the post idea!
