Things That Fly At Night

Our house is "in the desert" and quite the drive out of Phoenix. At night you're likely to see a number of things flying by.

Firstly bats. They won't harm you and to be honest look kinda cool flying through the air as you catch glimpse of them. Also Owls. Now these guys come and go as they please. Last night was the first time I saw (or even heard) one this year. Impressive wingspan.

But then there are the insects. Some of them I swear are just aliens sent here for god knows what. They're, er, big and have armor. Also they have armor. And they don't die.

How's your evening?

  1. kapgar says:

    I went for a really early morning run through my neighborhood several years ago and was startled when a bush started rattling. Then I saw "birds" fly away. Once I saw them against the sky, I realized they were bats. Pretty cool.