Flickr's Best Shot Of 2020

Flickr is running their annual best shot of the year competition. So many many good photographs have already been submitted. Browsing the group reminds me I still have much to learn.

This is my submission.

Night Songs

The combination of the iPhone wide angle lens and the light from under the stairwell caught my eye. I continue to be thoroughly impressed with how well the iPhone handles indoor night shots.

  1. kapgar says:

    So why that one? What does it say to you?

    • kevin says:

      I chose this one because of how it was received, took me by surprise. And shots don't say anything to me, they never have, I just know what I like with my own eyes :-)

  2. martymankins says:

    That clock has a profound distortion to it. I like this shot. And thanks for the explanation above.

  3. jake says:

    That shot is really something. Any plans to move to Instagram or also post there?

    • kevin says:

      It's sure popular, my wife is on Instagram. But no, I have no plans myself. I purged my life of Facebook 11 years ago and haven't looked back. The majority of my photography friends are still on Flickr so until the sad day that it implodes, I'll be there!