New York Times

We've had the New York Times delivered every Sunday for a long time. You know how life happens and the realization there are not enough hours in the day? Well yeah, that.

When we found we hadn't read the paper in three weeks, it was time to cancel. The cancel process was more painful than I feel it should have been, and I ended up getting frustrated and canceling everything NYT related.

In hindsight, a bit of a mistake and I just resubscribed to the New York Times online all access. I really do still want to read articles from time to time and this was the third time in as many days hitting their paywall and groaning as I no longer had a subscription.

So, welcome back old friend.

I still have my original unwrapped 2008 Barack Obama wins election copy in pride of place.

update: the original post was a bit of an odd word salad, so this is more of what I really wanted to say.

  1. martymankins says:

    I kept getting offers for $52 a year for the all digital access. If I didn't already subscribe to 3 others (Salt Lake Tribune, Washington Post and LA Times) I might have taken them up on the $1 a week offer.