The Sun And The Rainfall

A thunderstorm rolled through last night. A few flashes of lighting to begin with, followed by thunder and wind. The heavens absolutely opened shortly thereafter and we got ALL the rain as far as I could tell.

It was just delightful. We're having some extreme heat this summer. A couple of our trees are having a hard time even with deep root watering. Thankful the lemon tree got a nice extra long drink. The desert just smells so great after a thunderstorm. Savored every minute standing outside taking in deep breaths.

Of course our back yard is a neighborhood debris magnet. So it was a different story this morning once I could see how much I was going to have to clear up. But we'll take it.

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  1. kapgar says:

    Why is it a "neighborhood debris magnet"?

    • kevin says:

      Heh, whenever there's a storm, we get all the leaves…like, all of them it seems.  A swimming pool is like having the world's best leaf attraction device right there.  

  2. martymankins says:

    Your "neighborhood debris magnet" here in Salt Lake is the wind blowing dust everywhere and then the rain comes down to dirty everything up.